📝 github.com/codeninjasgg/javascript-camp/edit/master/pages/Day 1.md

Day 1

Camp Rules ❤

  1. In general, be respectful to your fellow campers and to your code sensei ☺.

Camp Overview 👀

This camp is all about learning the basics of JavaScript and using the Code Ninjas GDP (Game Development Platform).

Today's Overview 🌞

  1. Today, we are going to learn how to access the Code Ninjas dojo and GDP.
  2. Once everyone is logged in, we can start learn some JavaScript basics!

Follow Along 👏

  1. First things first, let's open up our curriculum for today by clicking this link.
  2. We will now click here to sign in the the Code Ninjas dojo to access the GDP.
  3. Let's learn how to create a private path.
  4. Let's learn how to create a new scene and go over how to navigate the various sections of the GDP.
  5. Now let's begin our activities for today! When you complete an activity, let your sensei know so that they can verify that your code is spot-on! Be courageous and ask questions.
    1. The Basics
    2. Moving Things
    3. Round and Round
    4. Clock

See you tomorrow for day 2!