📝 github.com/codeninjasgg/roblox-royale-camp/edit/master/pages/Day 1.md
Day 1
Camp Rules ❤
- Stay muted unless your code sensei grants permission; raise your hand to ask questions.
- Keep your webcam on your face so your code sensei can notice when you raise your hand.
- In general, be respectful to your fellow campers and to your code sensei ☺.
Let's Prepare! 🐱👤
Follow Along! 👍
- Project Intro and File Setup
- Basics of Roblox Studio
- Parts and Platforms
- Colors and Materials
- Checkpoints
Now, your obby and your basic Roblox Studio training should be complete. Download and study this example project if you made mistakes in your experimental obby.
If there is enough time in the session, continue with a bonus step: Publish and Playtest.
Upon completing these steps, a playable Roblox game should be publicly available and ready to share and play with friends and family. Just go to roblox.com, open your profile, click the 'Creations' tab, and find the game to share its link with fellow students, friends, and family members.
Optional Homework 📄
First, play Island Royale to understand what the battle royale game genre is all about.
Read the following articles to acheive a full understanding of what we are working on for day 2.
See you tomorrow for day 2!