Day 2
Overview 👀
Today we are going to create the game loop by adding scripts that manage the game's players, starts and stops the game's timer feature, and other important mechanics.
Follow Along! 👍
First, we will download today's file here. Once downloaded, let's open it up in Roblox studio and begin our quest for today.
Fun Quiz 🧠
Here are some quiz questions that we will be able to answer as we complete today's instructions.
What is the difference between a normal script and a module script?
Module scripts are not ran automatically; only when they are summoned (via the 'require' statement). Utilizing module scripts organizes your code in a clean, professional manner.What is the purpose of our GameManager script?
It actually is responsible for running the game loop itself! It utilizes our MatchManager and GameSettings modules to run the loop.What is the purpose of our MatchManager script?
The MatchManager script contains functions that are responsible for sending players into an arena and keeping track of time in a match.Then we will work on programming the basic functionality of our game's game loop by following these instructions.
When we are done, our scripts should resemble the following samples:
ServerStorage > ModuleScripts > GameSettings
local GameSettings = {}
-- Game Variables
GameSettings.intermissionDuration = 5
GameSettings.matchDuration = 10
GameSettings.minimumPlayers = 2
GameSettings.transitionTime = 5
return GameSettings
ServerStorage > ModuleScripts > MatchManager
local MatchManager = {}
function MatchManager.preparePlayers()
print("Game starting!")
return MatchManager
ServerScriptService > GameManager
-- Services
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
-- Module Scripts
local moduleScripts = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts")
local matchManager = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("MatchManager"))
local gameSettings = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("GameSettings"))
while true do
print("Restarting intermission")
until Players.NumPlayers >= gameSettings.minimumPlayers
print("Intermission over")
A complete example project of the scripting we have done in class today can be found here.
Optional Homework 📄
Read the following articles to acheive a full understanding of what we are working on for day 3.
See you tomorrow for day 3!